As you’d expect from a quest with “secret” in its name, Dalian Secret Orchard is a hidden quest of sorts that you can pick up in the Dalian Orchard, if you’re patient. It’s an easy way to get some cash and XP, though, so it’s definitely worth the short amount of time it takes to find and finish. 

The issue, of course, is that it’s a secret, as the name implies. Therefore, the game won’t give you any indication as to where you need to go, barring the brief hint that it’s “somewhere on the north side.” So, if you’re struggling with completing this side mission, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s begin.

Where to get the Dalian Orchard secret quest
The quest can be started by obtaining Connie's Orchard Storage Key. This 'key' item (heh) can be obtained by defeating enemies in the Dalian Orchard, which is the small area just west of Sien Inn. 

If you are having trouble getting the item to drop, we ourselves obtained the item from a Twisted Dalian fairly quickly.

You’ll get:

    18,000 XP
    720 Roster XP
    2,900 Silver
    1 Battle Item Chest

Not bad for what's essentially a jaunt down the road.

And that’s it. Marco shows up later in Blackrose Chapel for a story mission, but there’s no change to your interactions with him whether you complete the secret mission or not. This is just a quick detour to add some color to your time in the Orchard and nab some freebies in the process.

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