After you complete the Lost Ark Gold West Luterra portion of Lost Ark, two slots on your profile's gear tab will open beneath one slot, which is the weapon. Each slot can be equipped with an an engraving equipped within them. You'll see both equippable classes engravings and combat (or "combat") engravings in their submenumenus, which you bring up with the alt key. You'll initially not be able to equip anything, since you'll need to master them by reading recipe books.

The right tutorial quest will provide you with some of the satchels, and you'll earn a ton of the green satchels , which contain engraving recipes as rewards for sidequests in East Luterra, and a handful afterward on Tortoyk, Annika, and Arthetine. Engraving Recipe Pouches give random recipes. While engraving Recipe Selection Pouches allow you to pick what they have and should be kept for when you've made a decision about your character. There are separate pouches that contain classes and battle recipes as well. (Sometimes the latter may be known as 'combat' recipes however they're just like combat recipes.)

Right-click on the cookbooks you get from pouches to find out the recipes inside. If you've got several that's full, using alt-clicking will allow you to use many at one given time, just like with any other stack of food items.

After learning 20 Lost ark gold buy recipes You'll earn three activation points within that engraving, and after that you'll need to advance to recipes at an even higher level of rarity. Every 20 recipes at each higher rarity gives another three activation points. That means that after you've completed your 20 recipes from the legendary orange category, you'll have 12 activation points in the engraving.