360 Wigs is the new popular thing today in the hair products industry. You can now rock any hairstyle, any time, without worrying about your wig falling off or getting out of place. But when we talk about its installation and care, things become tricky. Keep reading the article to find out the proper know-how of installation and care of frontal closure.

Installation Process 
360 Lace Wig is very easy to use since the lace has a perimeter of the ear to ear measurement and it covers the whole head. It also helps in attaching the weave and blending it into your natural hairline perfectly. The whole process could be categorized into two heads: 

The pre-process
Choosing the product of the right quality is the first and most crucial step. If you want straight hair, it would be less voluminous than curly, so select the texture accordingly. Select the product which has the apt length of hair you want, keeping your height in mind. 

Before starting with the installation, you would need to shampoo and condition your natural hair well and might need to pluck some of the hair at your hairline.

Bleach the knots. Give the lace a tint, even your skin color, for proper blending. You will have to braid your hair or put it in cornrows for a flat natural looking scalp.

The Process
Installing the 360 Lace Front Wigs could quickly be done at home without going to a salon and spending hours on it. Follow the following guidelines to achieve the best look:

Step 1 - Put two wig caps on your natural braided hair and sew them down. Remove the excess material by cutting them off. 

Step 2 - Now, place the lace frontal on your head and align it properly with your hairline—Tuck in all the baby hairs in the back. Sew the frontal with the outside of the wig caps to secure it.

Step 3 - Attach the desired number of bundles to the frontal closure to cover the open spaces, if any. Use a C- curve needle and a thread to sew in the bundles. Start from the back working in an upward direction.

Step 4 - You are ready to glue the lace now. Use a good quality adhesive to attach the wefts. Put some hairspray to secure the position first and glue the lace in the front, over the ears, and the back. Let it dry for 5-7 mins. 

Step 5 - Cut the extra lace from all around the head. Trim the lace very close to your natural hairline and seal it with styling gel or adhesive. Make sure to apply gentle upward pressure in the back while gluing it. You can use a concealer to blend the lace in the front after removing the unwanted lace, and you are all set to go!

I hope you have found this guide useful. If you need any more help just let us know either by visit mslynnhair.com