Do you want to be able to chat with other owners and share similar experiences? Well at our forum, you can do just that! This is where you can and other Havanese owners and fans can chat about all things Havanese!
  • 3 Bikers vinden dit leuk
  • Pets and Animals
  • Want to connect with other Havanese lovers? We have many communities you can join to find them!
    You can share your experiences with the breed and check out others!

    Chat with us today at
    Want to connect with other Havanese lovers? We have many communities you can join to find them! You can share your experiences with the breed and check out others! Chat with us today at
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  • Do you love chatting about your Havanese? Check out #havanesechat and talk with other Havanese owners and lovers. Tell us about your favorite moments or ask/answer some questions about owning a Havanese. Check out

    Sign up for our newsletter and get helpful hints emailed weekly!
    Do you love chatting about your Havanese? Check out #havanesechat and talk with other Havanese owners and lovers. Tell us about your favorite moments or ask/answer some questions about owning a Havanese. Check out Sign up for our newsletter and get helpful hints emailed weekly!
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  • Let’s chat! Come hang out with us and chat with other Havanese lovers! Looking for advice on a certain issue? Come chat and ask around!

    Chat with us today at!
    Let’s chat! Come hang out with us and chat with other Havanese lovers! Looking for advice on a certain issue? Come chat and ask around! Chat with us today at!
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  • Looking to discuss the Havanese breed with other Havanese lovers? Join our community at today! Share tips, advice, and pictures of your Havanese while chatting with other Havanese lovers!

    Sign up for our newsletter!
    Looking to discuss the Havanese breed with other Havanese lovers? Join our community at today! Share tips, advice, and pictures of your Havanese while chatting with other Havanese lovers! Sign up for our newsletter!
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  • Looking to chat with other Havanese owners and enthusiasts? Where you’re looking to find tips and advice, or share your own, you can do it with our community! Connect with other Havanese lovers and chat with us at
    Looking to chat with other Havanese owners and enthusiasts? Where you’re looking to find tips and advice, or share your own, you can do it with our community! Connect with other Havanese lovers and chat with us at
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  • In need of tips or advice for your Havanese? Looking to share your own to help others? Come chat with us at! You can connect with other Havanese breed lovers and get all the information you need.

    We send out weekly tips through our newsletter! You can sign up at!
    In need of tips or advice for your Havanese? Looking to share your own to help others? Come chat with us at! You can connect with other Havanese breed lovers and get all the information you need. We send out weekly tips through our newsletter! You can sign up at!
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen
  • Want to connect with other Havanese lovers? We have many communities you can join to find them!
    You can share your experiences with the breed and check out others!

    Chat with us today at
    Want to connect with other Havanese lovers? We have many communities you can join to find them! You can share your experiences with the breed and check out others! Chat with us today at
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen
  • Come talk #Havanese with other Havanese owners and adorers!

    Visit us today at
    Come talk #Havanese with other Havanese owners and adorers! Visit us today at
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  • Did you know the #Havanese breed has a powerful nose that has been used to sniff out things like mold and even termites?
    Show off your Havanese trivia knowledge with other Havanese owners and adorers at!
    Did you know the #Havanese breed has a powerful nose that has been used to sniff out things like mold and even termites? Show off your Havanese trivia knowledge with other Havanese owners and adorers at!
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen
  • Let’s Chat! Over at, we discuss all things #Havanese with other Havanese owners and adorers!
    Let’s Chat! Over at, we discuss all things #Havanese with other Havanese owners and adorers!
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